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Writer's pictureAubrey Verdun, MD

Study Proves Rapid Relief from Suicidal Ideation

Updated: Sep 20, 2023

A February 2022 article published in Medscape shows the rapid, powerful effects of ketamine infusion therapy. After infusion, the drug is proven to improve suicidal ideation.

The article was written based on a large randomized, controlled trial, and shows ketamine has a "major" moderating effect on the primary mental health diagnosis.

Study Proves Rapid Relief from Suicidal Ideation
Study Proves Rapid Relief from Suicidal Ideation

Additionally, the study concluded that ketamine infusion therapy has a strong impact on those with bipolar disorder.

"The effect of ketamine is particularly marked among patients with a bipolar disorder," study investigator Fabrice Jollant, MD, PhD, professor of psychiatry, University of Paris, France, told Medscape Medical News.

The study included 156 adults admitted voluntarily to seven different teaching hospitals, who were subject to two 40-minute IV sessions (or placed on a placebo, saline). These patients still received their normal methods of treatment (such as talk therapy, antidepressants, and so on).

Results of Ketamine for Suicidal Ideation

The primary outcome the study sought was the number of patients in full suicidal remission on day three of the study, as rated by clinicians. It found that more patients reached remission of suicidal ideas at day 3 (after both rounds of ketamine infusions), compared to those placed on placebo infusions.

For many patients, suicidal ideation was impacted immediately. 44% of the 156 study participants were in remission only 2 hours after their first infusion.

The effect of ketamine on suicidal remission was greatest in patients with bipolar disorder, with 85% achieving full remission at day 3.

Overall, 6 weeks after treatment, remission in the ketamine group remained high without any maintenance infusions.

To schedule a consultation for ketamine infusion therapy in the DMV, contact Freedom Ketamine Treatment Centers, with offices in Rockville, Bethesda, Columbia, Reston, Vienna, and Marshall. With a team of highly-experienced, Board-Certified physicians and incredible ratings, you can rely on Freedom Ketamine Treatment Centers for the compassionate care you deserve.

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